
Shimmer AAPI Solidarity Statement

Supporting the Asian and Pacific Islander Community

Published on
April 5, 2021

In light of the recent tragedy in Atlanta, shimmer stands in solidarity with AAPI communities across the nation in condemnation of the disturbing rise in violence and hate crimes against these communities. On March 16th, 2021, eight people, six of them Asian women, were murdered in a mass shooting by a 21-year old terrorist. We mourn for the victims of this senseless act of racism, misogyny, and violence, and extend our deepest sympathy to their families and loved ones in this time of grief. 

These murders came at the heels of an escalating surge of anti-Asian sentiment towards all Asian ethnic groups across the U.S. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Asian Americans have been targeted in more than 3,000 hate crimes nationwide, a nearly 150% increase, with a disproportionate number of attacks being directed at women. Tragically, this mass shooting is not an anomaly, but rather, only a sliver of the broader anti-Asian sentiment that has all but magnified since the start of the pandemic. 

Visiting will direct to a list of petitions to sign, organizations and funds to donate to, and resources to learn more about combating anti-Asian racism. We encourage everybody to support these initiatives in fighting for a just future by engaging in long-term solutions to the widespread issue of white supremacy, which serves at the root of prejudice and violence against marginalized communities at large. Together, we can dismantle the deeply rooted systems of racism and xenophobia that have persisted against Asian Americans ever since Asian immigrants first set foot in the U.S. centuries ago. 

If it is within your capacity to do so: 

• Check in with yourself first. Assess how you are handling the trauma before undertaking the emotional labor of supporting others. 

• Check in with friends and peers in the AAPI community. 

• If you witness a hate crime against any group, say something. Victims of hate incidents often feel powerless and alone, and your presence can prevent the incident from escalating. If you are able, document the incident on your phone. At the very least, escort the victim to safety upon being out of harm's way. 

• Support Asian small businesses in your area. 

• Continue to educate yourself responsibly. Check out our AAPI solidarity resources.

To the victims and their families whose lives have been forever changed by these incidents, we stand with you and for you, now and forever. 

In solidarity, 

The shimmer team 


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